Friday, March 21, 2014

WhirlyViz 1.2 - Update

The latest WhirlyViz is on the app store.  It's a bit faster, more reliable and has better navigation, particularly for the phone.  But most importantly, there's new functionality.

San Francisco is very brown today
If you're just tuning in, WhirlyViz is a geospatial display app for iOS which I've discussed before.  It's based on client projects and a few of my own.  One of those was.....


The TransitVis app was an experiment and an entry for a hackathon.  It was a great way to work through some data viz issues without a client breathing down my neck.  We can now duplicate the TransitVis app with a configuration file.

Like many of the other examples, I'm using CartoDB on the back end.  When the user changes parameters or taps on a data value it's sending off a SQL query.

The 14 isn't transit, it's dinner and a show.

Election Map

Everyone needs an election map!  With the 2014 midterms coming up, I'd love to see some WhirlyViz based election maps in prominent apps.  And if not, there's always 2016...

The only time Ross Perot is described as "pretty".

I put this one together from county census voting data from 1980 to 2008 and used the Purple America algorithm to get some nice blended colors.  The 1992 election is interesting since there was a third party candidate and you get some green.

Next for WhirlyViz

Demos, demos, demos.  More demos is the main thing.  I'm lining up a few with collaborators rather than writing any more of my own.

I've also been experimenting with Javascript in the configuration files.  I like it!  There will be more of that.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vector Maps - Introduction

Here's the short version:  Vector Maps!  Yes we can!

Edit: Go check out Mapbox vector tiles and Thunderforest Lighting vector tiles too.

Somewhere in Brazil

WhirlyGlobe-Maply has had vector support for years.  As the versions went by that got much better, but vector maps were still a leap.  There were three missing pieces:
  • Paging: Efficient loading of individual tiles.
  • Styling: Specifying how a map looks.
  • Workflow: Getting from raw data to pretty map (open source, 'natch)

I'd done a few experiments and I was pretty clear on how to solve this.  All I needed was clients with the money to get it done.  I found them, we did it, and it works!

There's a lot to cover, so let's look at the big picture.


It all starts with TileMill, MapBox's excellent free map making tool.  With TileMill you set up your data and then style your map with CartoCSS.  It's fairly intuitive and, best of all, well documented.


Under the hood Mapnik is the open source workhorse for TileMill.  Mapnik takes the data for the map, the styling information and makes pretty map tiles.

Mapnik is tres cool, but we're not actually using it to do the work.

Mapnik XML

Okay, so we're not using Mapnik, but we are using its configuration file.  See, Mapnik has this great file format that specifies absolutely everything you could want in one place.

<Style name="landuselow" filter-mode="first" >
<Filter>([AREA] &gt; 1000000000) and ([TYPE] = 'water')</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#c4dff6" />
<Layer name="landuselow"
srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs">
<Parameter name="file"><![CDATA[/Users/sjg/Documents/MapBox/project/brazil-shape/layers/landuselow/landuse_low.shp]]></Parameter>
<Parameter name="id"><![CDATA[landuselow]]></Parameter>
<Parameter name="project"><![CDATA[brazil-shape]]></Parameter>
<Parameter name="srs"><![CDATA[]]></Parameter>
<Parameter name="type"><![CDATA[shape]]></Parameter>
view raw gistfile1.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Yup it's XML.  XML is like reading a headache, but it's fantastic for data processing.  It's got references to data sources, like Shapefiles or PostGIS queries.  It's got styles laid out in glorious detail.  It's got everything we need.  And did you know you could get Mapnik XML out of TileMill? 

Bet you always pick MBTiles.

We style the pretty map in TileMill, we export the Mapnik XML and that goes directly into the next stage.

Carto Vector Dice

Here's where we go off the rails.  I've got a new command line program that does the rest of the work.

The vectors going into TileMill are bad for rendering.  We need things diced, sorted, and organized.  That's what this program does.  It sifts, chops, and organizes the data by style and level.

That's where it gets tricky.  CartoCSS and TileMill aren't really designed for vector maps and they cheat really well with image tiles.  Rather than carefully select the right data to go in, you can throw it all in and let priority sort it out.  Now, that's not entirely fair, it does slow down your tile construction, but it's a much bigger problem with vectors.

Well.... how about just the one 40MB tile?

carto_vector_dice can sort out much of that.  Referencing the same data multiple times is really common in CartoCSS.  We can catch this and use multiple styles for the same data.  Even so, picking the right detail for the right level is something of an art.

Once all the dicing, sorting, and grouping is done, carto_vector_dice writes all this glorious data out to a database.

Maply Vector Tiles

The vector tiles are stored in a sqlite database.  There's one tile per (x,y,level) and a table of style information.  The data for each tile is compressed and stored in a blob, encoding all the traditional vector types and attribution.

Water Table.  I'm hilarious.
Putting everything into one database makes it easy to move around, but we've also planned for the future.  The style table uses UUIDs so we can reference styles globally.  The tiles are self contained so fetching over the network will be a cinch.

Vector Map Rendering

All of this work has one goal:  Get the vectors to the renderer.  Maply can now render a vector map with the following code.

// This knows how read and set up vector tiles
MaplyVectorTiles *vecTiles =
[[MaplyVectorTiles alloc] initWithDatabase:filePath viewC:baseViewC];
// This knows how to page data in
MaplyQuadPagingLayer *layer =
[[MaplyQuadPagingLayer alloc]
initWithCoordSystem:[[MaplySphericalMercator alloc] initWebStandard]
// We can use as many as 8 threads at once
layer.numSimultaneousFetches = 8;
// Add that sucker to the map and go!
[baseViewC addLayer:layer];
view raw gistfile1.m hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Seriously, that's it.  There's a lot going on under the hood, but it's all surprisingly rational.  And it works great.

Insira espirituoso legenda aqui

One thing I gotta point out here.  We're not rendering map tiles and drawing the images.  We're Drawing.  The Actual.  Vectors.

Look, smartphones can handle this.  They've been able to for years now.  There's no reason not to render the vectors in a lot of cases.

I Want It!

So can you use it?  Well, in theory you can.  If you're a developer and you're familiar with GIS and a bunch of other stuff, probably.  If you're not, I would wait a bit.

I use this stuff with clients and I'm very happy with it, but it's got some rough edges.  Every new CartoCSS style is an adventure.  If you try it yourself, be patient and maybe drop me an email.

Future Stuff

The big, risky part is done and works.  There's plenty more to do, though.  I've got a long, long list of things clients may want.  If you want one of them, you could be a client too!

So that's it.  Vector maps work in Maply.  The workflow is in place and it's open source.  Look for improvements in the future and, of course, I'll have more to say on the blog.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Maply Android Update

I've been hard at work on an Android version of WhirlyGlobe-Maply.  Here it is.  Or a screenshot anyway.

Little Android thing up there on the left.  Totally authentic.
Actually I implemented OpenStreetMap vectors first, but everybody loves the satellite imagery.

The toolkit is pretty big these days, so how much of it is done?

Basic Functionality

The biggest chunk is the core, as you might imagine.  Just getting the rendering up and going took a while.  At the user level, there are three big pieces done:

  1. Quad-tree Image Tile Layer.  This is what everyone thinks of as a remotely paged basemap.  You know, the things you get from Bing or MapBox.  Not Google, you don't get to play with those yourself.
  2. Vectors, Markers, Labels.  These are the basic objects we use to represent things, particularly maps.
  3. Quad-tree Paging Layer.  This is how you implement a tiled vector map.  As a test case, I've hooked it up to the vector tiles on the US OpenStreetMap server.

Vector Maps!
There's plenty yet to do.  Tiled basemap animation, full vector maps, the globe, efficient labels, feature animation, the list goes on.  It'll be a while before the port is complete.

A Few Details

A full writeup of how WhirlyGlobe-Maply 3.0 is working and will work would take a while.  So let's just hit the major points of the Maply Android port.  First, the roadmap.

  • WhirlyGlobe-Maply 2.2 is out now for iOS.  
  • WG-Maply 2.3 will come out in the next couple of months
  • That's probably the last 2.x version.  
  • WG-Maply 3.0 is cross platform and already under development for both Android and iOS.

The rendering engine is C++.   In 2.2 it was Objective-C++ (yes, that's a thing), but now it's just C++.  On iOS very little is changing at the user level.  On Android there's an entirely new Java interface corresponding to the "Component".

To interface the Java and C++ I'm using the Java Native Interface.  It's painful, but you won't ever have to see it.

One consequence of the design is that I'm using each platform's threading model.  On Android, it's all Java threads and queues.  On iOS it's Grand Central Dispatch.  This means more code, but it fits very well into each platform's world view and will be more friendly to each tribe of developers.

General Release

I've got one more big delivery on this version of the Android port.  At that point I'll put the toolkit into a closed beta.  If you want access to it, you need to pay for some functionality.  Don't worry, there's plenty left to pay for.

When I'm happy with the Android port I'll release it generally.  That's where this is heading, of course, a cross platform open source geospatial display toolkit.  It's starting to look pretty good.  If you need it for a project, drop me a line, preferably with some money attached.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Teaming up with Gaia GPS

Here's the short version.  I'm taking on bigger contracting projects with these guys.  Read on for the details.

The Background

I'm a consultant.  That's like a contractor, only more expensive.  I make a living on WhirlyGlobe-Maply projects.

Used to be I'd write the whole app.  That got unwieldy, so then I just wrote the map or globe part.  Now I usually just add features to the toolkit and show people how to use them.

That's working great, but I miss seeing the whole app, developing something from start to finish.  There's no practical way I can ever do that again, especially with Android support coming up, but I'd like to get my hand back in.

And on a purely practical level, I pass up a lot of business.  Clients approach me about doing whole apps, but I don't have the time to do a proper bid or the people to call on for the rest of it.

So I'm teaming up with someone who does.  But first, why do I really care?

The Motivation: Aviation & Vector Maps

Aviation companies are pretty big users of WhirlyGlobe-Maply.  It's not hard to see why.  Pilots like their iDevices and they have money.  And boy do they need to display maps.

A few years ago I made a deal in aviation that locked me out of the market.  I have no regrets, it worked out great.  Now the exclusion is expiring and I'm free to do aviation work.

The globe thing has been nice, but I've been pushing the 2D version, Maply, more lately.  That's borne fruit and 2D vector maps are coming on line soon.  WhirlyGlobe-Maply has always been able to do vectors, but now we can style them respectably.

There'll be more about this leading up to State Of the Map US.  We'll be showing the vector maps at a booth there under the Maply banner.  That is, myself and...

The Partner: Gaia GPS

The company I'm working with makes the hit outdoor app, Gaia GPS, and similar apps for activities like boating and 4x4 navigation. They're experienced in geospatial data display, mobile app development, and they're local, based in Berkeley.  It's a good combination.

A couple months ago, they started moving their apps to use Maply, and they quickly started to send me valuable feedback and pull requests to update the Maply core.  They very much get geospatial, from the display side as well as the sort of adhoc data processing you always find yourself doing.  Between that and the OEM work, they're a good contracting partner.  They also have more people than I do (4 full-time developers and some part-time people), which is a big plus.

The Conclusion

For the toolkit nothing is going to change.  It's still open source, still available under the Apache 2.0 license.  Same for Android when that comes out of beta.

On the business side we'll be pursuing larger deals.  WhirlyGlobe might play a part, but Maply and vector maps will be our big focus.  If you're a client, don't worry, mousebird will still be taking on smaller technology contracts like we do now.

If you've got a mapping app in the works and you need a bigger team, drop me a line.  We'd love to talk about it.